Bouturer un laurier-rose dans l'eau

Oleander cuttings in water

Oleander cuttings 🌸 in water are quite easy, with a good success rate. Here's how to do it: Choose stems that have not had flowers and cut them t...

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Faites germer vos pépins de citron - Une méthode infaillible

Germinate your lemon seeds

How to successfully grow a lemon tree from seeds. Here is the foolproof method: Germinate the seeds 🍋 Take a lemon and collect its seeds. Clean ...

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Plantez vos noyaux !-Jardiniste

Plant Your Pits!

Planting a kernel is not very complicated and above all it is fun! So keep your fruit pips and stones, dried fruits or olives and plant them! Avoc...

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Bouturez dans l'eau !-Jardiniste

Water Propagation

The cuttings you know of course! What does cutting a plant mean? Cuttings are the process of reproducing a plant from one of its elements witho...

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